Globe and Mail on DNC Blogging

Peter Rukavina

Here’s a Globe and Mail article, in today’s edition, on DNC convention blogging. Here’s a clip:

While many still view these digital diaries as repositories for lukewarm teen angst, blogs have, in the past two years, become the preferred information sluice for political pundits large and small. About 35 bloggers received official accreditation for the Democratic National Convention that concluded Thursday in Boston.
One of those lucky three dozen included Peter Rukavina, who lives in Charlottetown and had the honour of being the lone accredited Canadian blogger at the Democratic gathering. Having to self-finance the trip meant that Mr. Rukavina, a computer programmer, could afford to stay only for two of the four nights of the convention.
Still, Mr. Rukavina did his best to harness the power of bloggery. His site,, offered a very personal and personable perspective on the political process. “I’m not sure I’ve been able to get any real sense of what this convention is for,” he wrote in a posting on Tuesday, the second day of the proceedings. “This is not a national town-hall meeting; it’s more akin to a televised debutante ball.
“I’m afraid that politics here in America is so abstracted from reality that it is, in fact, impossible to understand on a level other than the superficial.”
Mercury News columnist Dan Gillmor believes that Mr. Rukavina and others like him provide a perfect example of what bloggers can and should bring to the journalism conversation.


Submitted by Kenny on


Self aggrandizing you, and good on ya! Local, national, even international exposure on radio, newspapers and a magazine; I would pay $1417 for that. Plus you may get a call from someone to speak, or do a website, or some other windfall now that you are famous. Going to the US is still the best way to get credibility here in Canada, and you are now one of this nations top bloggers!

A media coup! You were in the Wall Street Journal! The Wall Street Journal!

More than half the news we hear comes from the WSJ, NYT, and the Economist…now if you could be a story in the Economist…cover Labour’s convention in UK?

Submitted by Mandy on


yeah, I like that catch phrase too Will… seems fitting, when the world of blogging is dying off quickly it seems. I say enjoy your blogs people.

Submitted by Jacob Dockendorff on


My favorite thing about weblogs right now is that you can shorten the name and create as many different words as you like. I find this blogalicious. It is very good to see blogs coming to the mainstream, I sit and wait in anticipation as to what will happen in the coming days.

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