Help! I'm Trapped in The Media Tent

Peter Rukavina

I’ve made my way through the security check — nothing more than what you would see at a smalltown airport — and into the temporary building that’s been set up for the media. There is reputed to be “unassigned media filing space” here somewhere, but it is like the Holy Grail — I keep getting pointed along the hall.

So I have created my own space, here on a dolly beside the curtains surrounding the Associated Press. There is free Wifi — indeed it seems to be in abundance, as there are about 10 networks in evidence.

If you’ve found the “unassigned media filing space,” please let me know. I’m off to look some more… gotta file!


Submitted by Alan on


Wow - are you certain whether or not your non-existing class of news service has catering assigned to it? Sounds like some part of the Convention has a food budget line for you that is needing being tapped into. Don’t think trolly, think trollies.

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