Kissing Jessica Steen

Peter Rukavina

As far as I know, I only learned who Jessica Steen was about 5 minutes ago. I was looking for information on the ill-fated CBC sitcom Hangin’ In. Jessica appeared in one episode of the series, and she showed up in my search.

Reading her filmography I have become convinced that she might be the classic Canadian actor; among other things, she has appeared in:

  • The Uncle Bobby Show
  • SCTV
  • A Swiss Chalet commercial
  • The Littlest Hobo
  • Night Heat
  • An Eatons commercial
  • John and the Missus
  • Street Legal
  • Due South

In other words, save The Beachcombers, she has appeared in every significant piece of Canadian cultural output in the last 25 years. And she’s only an year older than I am!

Recently she has gone on to fame and fortune in the U.S., appearing in episodes of The Practice, Navy NCIS, and ER. The role you might recognize her most from is the Michael Richards love interest from the 1997 movie Trial and Error.


Submitted by Davey on


In terms of significant Canadian cultural output, you forgot to mention “Captain Power”. A friend of mine who worked props on that show recalled that, in between making crumbling cityscapes out of egg cartons and duct tape, he found her to be a very nice personable young woman.

I just thought she was hot.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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