
Peter Rukavina

Could someone please put the ITAP website out of its misery.  I’m not even an ITAP member and it bothers me.  It may have been state of the art when it was created, but it’s now both ugly and broken.

The site hasn’t been updated since the 2001 Christmas mixer.  It’s full of broken links and missing graphics.

Imagine if the Housepainters Association was headquartered in a building with a bad paint job.  It’s an embarrassment to the industry.

I know that the silverorange folks have offered to replace it pro bono, but that professional rivalries have kept this from happening.  Just let them do it: anything is better than the status quo.


Submitted by Steven Garrity on


You’re all about honesty, Peter. Perhaps it is more representative of the organization now that it would be with a new site.

Submitted by Sandy Peardon on


I couldn’t agree with you more, Peter. A face lift by a volunteer will be going live in the next week or so. Of course, this is a band aid effort. A longer term solution has been a priority for myself since I became Executive Director of ITAP in October, 2001.
Process in an association is extremely important. For instance, how can you advocate proper process to government when you don’t practice it yourself. ITAP, at its last Board meeting, accepted the new Committee structure based on the Membership Needs Analysis carried out by “yours truly”. We are now putting out a call for volunteers for committees with one being labelled “Communications Committee”. That Committee’s first order of business will be the development of a Website RFP.
Peter, I suggest you become an ITAP member, join the committee, and become part of the solution rather than being part of the problem. Of course, you may have to put yourself in the position of being critiqued rather than being the critic.

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