Aliant Discovers WiFi

Aliant unveils a special “trial” of WiFi, with one hotspot in Charlottetown.

I guess they’re holding off to see if this WiFi thing really takes off.


Jevon's picture
Jevon on February 18, 2004 - 21:17 Permalink

I tried it a few weeks ago and it wasn’t working. Perhaps they have it setup properly now.

Philip M. Howard's picture
Philip M. Howard on February 20, 2004 - 18:21 Permalink

In a related “trying hard to keep up” story, I know one organization that is “studying” open source. They see Linux as being important on a 2 year horizon… for servers, only!

Little do they know many of their 300+ web sites are running Apache! …and where would they be without BIND? ;-)

Meanwhile the legal team is reading OSS licenses to see what the issues are… that should take 8-10 months at least.

Oh, well…