Meeting Sandy Peardon

Peter Rukavina

Apparently this afternoon I met Sandy Peardon without knowing it, thanks to a social engagement skills deficit on the part of Dan James (i.e. Dan either forgot to introduce me, or mumbled when he did so). It may be possible to chock this up to Dan’s fever-induced delerium.


Submitted by Sandy Peardon on


Peter, I enjoyed meeting you. It would be my pleasure if you would come to the ITAP Christmas Party tomorrow at 5 pm in the ATC foyer. I’ll even buy you a beer!

Submitted by Hans on


I’ve known Sandy for years and he’s never offered to buy me a beer. If Peter doesn’t want his, can I have it? ;)

Submitted by Sandy Peardon on


Hans, I only buy beer for my friends…but if you come to the party, I’ll make an exception:)

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