Aliant Mobility Summit Meeting

Peter Rukavina

In reaction to Aliant Mobility Consumer Panel: Are you interested?, Aliant Mobility has kindly made arrangements to send a represntative from Saint John over for a meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. to meet.

Our intent is to engage in active discussion about our use of Aliant Mobility’s products and services, and to let them know what we like, what we don’t like, and where we’d like them to go in the future.

This isn’t intended to be a sales session, and the only reason we’re inviting Aliant specifically is that we’re Aliant customers now, and have some frustrations.

If you’re an active Aliant Mobility cell phone user, and you’d like to participate, please RSVP by commenting on this post. All are welcome. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at 84 Fitzroy Street in Charlottetown (the new silverorange/Reinvented “information superhighway way station”).


Submitted by Dave Hyndman on


I am not an Aliant customer. I have been a Telus customer for the past year (and Eastlink for phone/internet). The reason: handheld selection. Telus use Aliant’s/Bell’s network so coverage is equal. However, they have always had a better, more current selection of handhelds.

Tell Aliant that if they can bring in the Treo 600 before Telus, they’ll win a new customer.

On the same note, Rogers have better phones than any of them. However, their coverage is terrible. If they ever fix it though, Aliant stand to continue to lose. I think this is an instance where an (old) monopoly needs to start doing more NOW, while they still have an opportunity.

Submitted by Chris on


I’m am a current customer of Aliant Mobility, and in the market for a hardware upgrade. The prices I’ve seen for new equipment is outrageous in comparison to the recent Telus promotion.

Based on a three year contract at Telus, I can nab myself a camera phone for $99 (LG or Audiovox), and a sweet little HP printer for $34.99. For 100 bucks, why not get a camera phone? I don’t currently own a printer, so that’s the cherry on top.

Perhaps the Aliant marketing department is not advertising their prices based on a contract. This would help explain things.

That’s my rant.

Submitted by Kevin on


I’m interested. I’ve a GSM phone I’m just dying to use — I wonder if Rogers met their mid-summer (past) deployment of more towers… I suppose I’d have heard something if they had.

I wonder what Aliant’s take on GSM is at the moment and how far they plan to go with C/TDMA (the “VHS” of cellular technology when “BETA” is needed).

I wonder if there is an equivalent to “SVHS” in xDMA-dom? If that’s what digital cellular is supposed to be I’ll wait for BETA (Rogers GSM) to expand it’s footprint a bit more and then jump.

Submitted by Ken on


I’ll be there, I’m an Aliant subscriber, actually pleased because they’ve just put in new digital tower here in Tyne Valley Metropolitan Area.

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