The Costs of Moving a Business Telephone Line

Peter Rukavina

I’m in the later stages of moving my operation 4 blocks away to the new silverorange/Reinvented mediaplex on Fitzroy Street. One thing I have to do is move my business telephone line.

If I switch to Eastlink as part of making the move, my monthly phone bill, for identical Centrex service, will go from $44.70 to $32.50. And Eastlink won’t charge me anything for installation.

If I stick with Aliant, they will charge me $110 for the move, plus $35 to install a phone jack.

Over a year, then, sticking with Aliant would cost me an additional $291.

Is there any compelling reason for not doing this?


Submitted by Nils Ling on


One cautionary note: when I switched from Aliant to Eastlink, my costs went down as well. All was happy, until that fateful day … you know the day, when children up and down the street cry out in joy “The new telephone books are here! The new telephone books are here!” I got the new telephone book, and, as we all do, flipped to the “L”s (your letter may vary) … and there I was … not there.

A call to Aliant produced this heartfelt response: “Ooops. That happened to a lot of people who switched. Something about the computers. Sorry.”

Luckily, I have a manager and don’t need to field business calls very often. But if they matter to you, stay on top of that little detail …

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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