Formosa RSS Feed: The PHP Source Code

Peter Rukavina

To assist Will Pate in moving the Formosa Tea House RSS Feed over to its logical home on the Formosa Tea House website, I’ve put together a cleaned up and commented version of the PHP source code that generates the RSS feed.
Creative Commons License

This isn’t a profound chunk of code, but I’ve commented it liberally, so if you’re new to PHP, RSS and/or manipulating dates programatically, you might find it interesting.

You’ll need a couple of PHP classes in addition to the source here; this is all explained inside the comments.

Download the source, which is licensed under a Attribution - ShareAlike License.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Note that Steven’s reference to “properly formatted HTML” only makes sense if you actually download the code and read the comments. The script works as delivered; Steven’s updated version makes it more standard.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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