Of All the Diseases To Be Named After Your Family

Peter Rukavina

Thanks to Amazon.com’s amazing new “full keyword search of books” service, I stumbled across a reference to disease called Rukavina type familial amyloid p. Also called Indiana type, presumably becuase so many of our kin settled there, the disease is described as follows:

Indiana type familial amyloid polyneuropathy, a slowly progressive form of familial amyloid polyneuropathy with upper limb neuropathy in the distribution of the median nerves, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome and eventually trophic ulcers; ocular symptoms such as vitreous deposits may occur. Called also Rukavina type familial amyloid p., Maryland type familial amyloid p., and Rukavina’s syndrome.

What’s the chance that a syndrome that leads to carpal tunnel syndrome would be named after my family? Amazing. And decidedly unpleasant sounding. I’ll have to give someone in the Indiana branch of the family a call for practical details.


Submitted by Oliver B on


I guess you have to be a former neuroscientist. I for one think the disease sounds pretty cool. Involves an extremely fashionable pathology (amyloid) without carrying nearly so awful a consequence as the average neurodegenerative disease. I think you scored big. Hold your head up high, and try to suppress the spasms in your fingers.

Submitted by Oliver B on


Bizarre! They treat people with certain familial amyloid polyneuropathies by giving them a new liver! Who’da thunk! Oh, it’s because the liver makes transthyretin (a protein famous for clumping into amyloid placques). Well, anyway I still think that’s pretty exotic. Congratulations, Peter.

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