Maritime Noon Phone-in

Peter Rukavina

If you are beside a radio (or a streaming audio player) this afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Atlantic Time, you can tune in to Maritime Noon for the phone-in; I’ll be playing the role of “computer guy.” Apparently, say the producers, “The Internet is long past the novelty phase.” Hmmm.


Submitted by Chris Corrigan on


Sounding good Peter…I love that I can listen to you not proffering an opinion on whether file sharing is stealing from all the way out here on Bowen Island, BC.

Submitted by Chris Corrigan on


Okay…how do I get my computer to answer telemarketing calls and redirect them to a 1-900 number? That last call was too cool to be true…

Submitted by jypsy on


and your next appearance will be….? Just caught the end coming home from town in the car, hope they make you a regular

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Just in case anyone’s looking for this information, requested by a caller on the show today, a site that offers a for-pay service that shows you how your website will look in various browsers is NetMechanic. I haven’t used or tested the service myself, but it seems to answer the need if it does what it says it does.

We had a good range of questions from a good group of callers this afternoon; it was an interesting hour.

One thing that threw me for a little bit of a loop: Maritime Noon is now broadcast live on television on CBC’s Country Canada network (as opposed to Country Canada, the CBC TV program). As a result, there was a bright television light, and a little video camera with me in the radio studio in Charlottetown. Apparently Country Canada broadcasts not only the Halifax show, but also those in Ontario and Saskatchewan in this way.

The TV broadcast is followed by Northern Exposure, which means that, at the very least, Steven Garrity is watching.

Submitted by John Stewart on


You did an item with Dave Bethune re automobiles….What was his comments on using gas-line antifreeze on newer cars
within last 2-3 years.


Jack Stewart

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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