David Neeleman on Charlie Rose

Peter Rukavina

David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue is scheduled to appear on Charlie Rose tonight.


Submitted by Lou Quillio on


Great interview. Implicit in Neeleman’s remarks (though Charlie couldn’t get him to say so explicitly) is his belief that traditional carriers probably cannot be fixed &#8212 at least not well enough to compete with JetBlue and Southwest. I think he’s right.

It’s not just about unions. Probably has more to do with debt-load, Byzantine politics that no longer obtain, and broken corporate cultures. Plus their fleets are poorly configured for ever moving away from hub-and-spoke, which any frequent air traveler can see has scaled-out as far as it can.

James Fallows elaborates in the December 2001 Atlantic Monthly. (Been awhile since I first read the piece, but I recall that it’s right on-topic.)

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