Peter Coyote is not an actor to be dismissed.
Which leads me to the question: why do Islanders say “keye-oat” while seemingly everyone else in the worlds says “keye-oat-ee”?
Speaking of which, is it “creek” or “crick.” And is it “craw-fish” or “cray-fish”?
My favourite Peter Coyote
My favourite Peter Coyote moment was his appearacne as the announcer on the Oscars a few years ago. He’s got a distinctive voice and has done a lot of commercial voiceover work. I think most of the world says ‘ky-o-tee’ because of Wile. E. Coyote.
From my experience, it is
From my experience, it is “crick” when referring to the North Rustico area… otherwise “creek”.
Dico, have your modified the
Dico, have your modified the spelling of your last name, or is it just my imagination?
Originally it has always been
Originally it has always been Reijers. This is how it appears on my passport. When I moved to Canada it was often easier to say Reyers because of 2 reasons. 1. If you were to write out Reijers in handwriting, the I and J would look like a Y, and since most people write vs. print, this was easier. 2. To get someone to pronounce Reyers is much easier then Reijers. With Reyers we usually got “Rye - ers” which is close enough to the Dutch pronounciation. With Reijers we usually got “Rye - jers” which is less accurate. Since I’ve gotten older, been involved in business and what not it has been easier to go back to Reijers as this is how everything appears from the Government. And now also with terrorism, travelling with my proper name looks a lot less suspicious.
A suggestion to your
A suggestion to your discussion forums. Once someone like myself posts a message, it would be nice if I received all further posts for that discussion topic. That way I don’t miss out.
Being near the Crick, I under
Being near the Crick, I under stand “the crick” is a distinct part of North being distinct from both the village centre and the Harbour. It is the “east end”. To non-rustico-ers, “cricker” can be a slang and somewhat derogotory term for members of the Acadian community here. Being proud to be [and also geographically inevitably] associated with the area, the independent, communal and hard working nature of the area always leaves me mystified when you hear someone use a phrase like “they sound like a bunch of crickers” - a sort of usage I have heard from non-Acadians from Summerside to Souris. I am a “creeker” according to local parlance being in the watershed of Doiron’s Creek.
PS: Good for your spelling choice, Dico. I worked in Aalsmeer for four months in 1986 and enjoy seeing the Dutch “-ij-” whenever.
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