Ode to a Tree

Peter Rukavina

About 8 feet from where I type this note, there is a huge tree. As I rarely go outside, and when I do, rarely look up, this tree is something that I really didn’t notice the hugeness of until recently. This is ironic, because the tree is by far and away the largest single object in my life. To give you some idea of how huge this tree is, here is a picture:

That puny little blue house with a red roof to the left of the tree is our house. And inside that puny house, behind the left-most window on the first floor, is my office. A rough calculation suggests that the tree is about 30 times taller than I am. And about three and a half times taller than our house. If the tree fell on me, I would die. If the tree fell on my house, my house would be crushed.

My friends will tell you that I am the person least likely to wax eloquent about the wonders of nature. But it’s hard not be impressed, awed even, by a force that can produce something so impressive and majestic.

So, on this Canada Day, let’s all hail the tree.


Submitted by Alan on


There is that great ode in the musical Caberet, I think at the end of the first act where a folk tune about the Linden morphs into a Nazi hymn. If it is in fact a Tilia americana, lets call it a basswood.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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