The Kimberly-Clark “Professional” paper towel dispenser—product name “ICON Rolled Towel Dispenser”—is a thing of functional beauty.
Rare in the paper-towel dispensing machine world, it just works.
There’s no need to frantically wave hands in just the right spot, no need to crank an emergency backup crank, no need to pull out paper towel with wet hands (which always causes the towel to disintegrate). You just rip off a piece of paper towel and a new one rolls out to replace it:
In Charlottetown I’ve seen them at Papa Joe’s and Tekila; weird to say, but I’m more inclined to eat at places that have them.
I have wondered how much…
I have wondered how much time I would save if all paper towel dispensers worked the same and credit card payment machines at cash registers, too, so that I wouldn't have to figure them all out each time.
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