I find cars notoriously difficult to sketch: something about all those angles. And the confounding roundness of the tires. Something inevitably ends up being not quite right. An automotive uncanny valley.
Sketching my car this morning was instructive, in part because I realized that it’s far less red than I think of it. The red roof is a substantial thing, of course, but otherwise it’s a black car with some tactically placed red accents.

To be fair, the Soul has a
To be fair, the Soul has a bit of an uncanny valley (or "creepy canyon", as we call it in my house) vibe in the real world too.
You’re not wrong about that.
You’re not wrong about that. I am very fond of the weird auto form factor.
I wonder if the challenge of
I wonder if the challenge of sketching cars will fall soon to feedback of trial and error or if there’s an exercise they’d be giving you to get around it in an art class
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