Many years ago, in a bid to carve out a place for myself at 100 Prince Street, and to lay down some of my own aesthetic tracks, I painted one of our three bedrooms orange.
Or red. Or red-orange. Or orange-red.
Whatever the colour’s name, it was bright and brash and kind of disturbing. For a while the room was dubbed “the hell room” for the feeling it inspired.
Here’s what the Hell Room looked like a few days ago:
After painting the room I acquired a smart IKEA lounger and a reading lamp. The plan was that I would retire to this peaceful oasis of calm and finally do all that reading I never seemed to be able to find time or space for.
That didn’t work out.
Orange-red-orange-hellscape turned out to not be a colour palette conducive to calm reflection. The IKEA chair was uncomfortable, and hit my reading-elbows in an uncomfortable way. The reading lamp, for reasons unknown, maintained a temperature of 500 degrees, and was most unappealing to be near.
And while all those things were true, ultimately the problem I was trying to solve—doing something to make myself feel more at home in this house—was a larger project needing broader solutions, not all of them related to paint and furniture.
This became moot a few years later when the room evolved to become a storage closet for our mountains of stuff, and then, a few years after that, when Catherine moved into the room during her cancer treatment. The red-orange-red that was supposed to calm me became a conversation starter and aesthetic irritant to all who encountered it.
Here’s what the room looks like this morning:
Don and Derek from Colonial Painters were in this week for a second round of painting—they painted the lower floor and the upstairs hallway this summer—and the result is a room transformed.
Paint is powerful.
I think the original hell
I think the original hell room was your dining room in Kingston.
Guessing it took several
Guessing it took several coats to calm the hell down.
It really is amazing how much
It really is amazing how much different a new paint color feels and how easily it can affect your mood. The professionals do such a wonderful job and make it look so effortless. I love to paint, and having done a great deal of my own painting I can really appreciate the work they do.
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