Five Years Later

Peter Rukavina

[[Oliver]] started grade six today, his last year at Prince Street Elementary, where he started in grade one 5 years ago. His teacher is Ms. Parsons, who taught him music in earlier grades, so they are comfortable with each other; we met with her last week and her underlying philosophy was “kids can’t learn under stress,” which is about as good a philosophy as I can imagine.

He’s a lot taller, obviously, and has a new lunch bag and a new briefcase replacing the backpack he used for the first 5 years of school. But he’s still got enthusiasm for school and a sprint in his step.

We calculated that we’ve walked up Prince Street to the school together about 800 times so far; by the end of this year we’ll be close to 1,000.

First Day, Grade One

The King of Prince Street

First Day, Grade Six

First Day of Grade 6



Submitted by James Ramsay on


I see you’ve poured concrete sidewalks there. Recent, or just well maintained. Very nice. Makes me all nostalgic and sentimental. These days I only ever - if ever - see them cracked and overgrown…

Submitted by Olivia Rukavina on


L. Is here today. Wow, 10 years of an event that Happened to Me that is now happening Today.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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