Murray Todd

Peter Rukavina

Our former neighbour Murray Todd died at age 32 last week.

When we moved into this house in 2000, Murray was 11 years old, a fresh-faced, friendly kid who always said hello.

Murray had a hard life, punctuated by loss, addictions, and involvement with the justice system. It’s not always easy to love people so overtaken, but they’re the ones we need to love the most.

You will be missed, neighbour.


Submitted by Shelley Todd on


Thank you so much for your kind words. Murr was an amazing young man who has left a huge hole in our hearts. The addiction in the end won and that I think has devastated us beyond words. My family and I sincerely hope that anyone struggling will reach out and get help , don't put it off....Tomorrow is not promised, don't take it for granted. We really hope this message helps someone take that step.

My sincerest sympathy on your family's huge loss -- Thanks for reminding all of us what we can do to deal with this issue of addictions - I appreciate Peter's post and his heartfelt response

Submitted by Just an Islander on


I know this is comes late, but I wanted to reach out and tell anyone who is here, reading this, to take this as a sign to get help.

I met Murray under unfortunate circumstances in 2018. He was rough around the edges, but there were glimpses of the good he was capable of, fragments of the humour that could have had crowds in stitches.

In the end, none of us are laughing. It is a tragedy. Addiction surfaces the ugliest and the worst in us, and if there is one thing that I have learned, as one of the few to come out the other side, it is this: we can all afford to be a little kinder and more understanding of one another.

Rest in Peace, Murray James Todd.

Submitted by Ex-Islander on


Murray got exactly what was coming to him, in the end. The world is a better place without him.

He was a narcissistic abuser incapable of functioning in society. He robbed, cheated, lied, stole, and left everyone worse than when he found them.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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