Tims + Scotland

Peter Rukavina

I don’t know why, but in a TV landscape where I tend to tire of most commercials after one watching, if not before, I love that “student lives in Scotland, misses Tim Hortons, finally gets a taste of home” commercial. Go figure.


Submitted by Steven Garrity on


Presuming you’re not being sarcastic (I didn’t see any [sarcasm] tags in the source code), I will agree. I’m even self-concious and embarassed by the fact that I like it, but I do.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


No sarcasm intended. I actually find all of the Tim Hortons “tales” commercials quite entertaining, and not annoying on re-watch. Indeed if you leave out the fact that the garden vegetable “healthy” sandwich is loaded with fat, there’s not much bad I can say about Tim Hortons. And I don’t even drink coffee.

Submitted by Christopher on


What I didn’t know was that Tim’s make 220v coffee machines. Some Canadians plug into their washing machine circuits?

Submitted by Wayne on


Tips to living abroad usually suggest a focus on what is around you, not on what you left behind. (i.e. ‘nips and taters). But after a recent, lengthy trip to Europe, I commanded my taxi-driver to find the closest Tim’s drive-thru in Halifax on an early morning commute to the airport. Even he understood my condition.(Check out our website at www.globaladaptation.com-am now in process of updating)

At the risk of sounding judgemental, their commercials seem to focus on that “Homey” feeling that stress neighbourhood’s, not babes in mudfights. I guess their marketing strategy will not find them on Superbowl Sunday, but thank god for intelligent commercials, they do work…at least for jelly donuts.(Not that there is anything wrong with mudfights!)

Submitted by Joey Brieno on


..beats drilling through banana… Have any of you noticed that it’s almost impossible to get a coffee south of the Canada / US border? They’ve got stuff that smells a vague reference to coffee, tasts like whatever spilled into the ashtray, and they color it with “edible oil” (presumably scraped from the beach in Clayoquot Sound). On the other hand, what is that stuff they put in a Tims that seems to leave people so addicted that they’ll stage elaborate schemes to get some more even when they are thousands of miles away and the cost per cup approaches that of Kopi Luwak (google that for something a little bit different).

Submitted by Alan on


The uncle I will visit east of Edinburgh in March usually demands a tin of Tim’s coffee from visitors. The concept of a decent coffee and a decent sticky bun for under a pound is what amazes them. Ogg’s voltage matter can be addressed through an adapter can’t it?

Submitted by steve rocker on


Oy…that commercial has the opposite effect on me. And I was really irked with the Tim Horton’s tale that featured Canadian Forces soldiers…since when can a government institution be used to shill donuts? I hope taxpayer’s got a commission on that one…

Submitted by Christopher Ogg on


True, I think, Alan. The big prob is with something which has a motor - the different cycle speed seems to cause probs. But I had real probs in reverse trying to get my UK hi-fi gear to work here without humming and generally misbehaving. Never tried a coffee machine in either direction. Thank heavens most computer gear is now dual voltage.

Submitted by Wayne on


Alan…I recommend “KingsBarns” for 18 holes, and “Crail”, if you take lots of pounds. Bus to St Andrews, stay at “5 Pilmore Place”…B&B owner will make you breakfast, drive you to golf course, carry your bag and drive you home. What a life, even without large black.

Submitted by Alan on


Wayne, my uncle Dougie is the president of Gullane and a marshall at the last British Open. But he won’t let me play with him no matter how many Tims I give him!

Submitted by Wayne on


I can help you with your swing, and you can take me with you!!:)

Critical analysis may show Steve’s issue above might be with the Govt. of Canada, not Tim’s. Smart of Tim’s to take advantage of the liberal govt. spending of Liberals…if the govt. actually paid for it…Tim’s might have foot the bill in order to brag about it…

Submitted by Johnny on


Tim Horton’s marketing strategy relies heavily on branding Canadian ‘identity’, and trying to attach a sort of patriotism to the purchase of coffee and doughnuts. While it obviously seems to be working, I find their ‘based on a true story’ commercials execrable. I also think their coffee is disgusting and must have cocaine or something in it which lends it addictive properties. Personally I buy locally roasted premium beans, grind them myself, and brew with a bodum. Now thats coffee.

Submitted by Rob on


Peter, I find it interesting that you can be so moved by these unabashed Canadiana coffee commercials, yet last year when Canada won the Olympic hockey golds, you questioned why these victories made many Canadians feel so proud and united (or something to that effect). Also interesting in light of your oft expressed view that Canadians and Americans are not so different. There seems to be an emotional anomaly there, when something so real and exciting as international hockey fails to move you, yet a corny commercial about coffee and doughnuts pulls hour Canadian heart strings. Just an observation.

Submitted by Ken on


Even in Brasil, where some great coffee is grown, my Canadian coworkers all pined for Tim’s, and fantasized about opening a Tim’s there to show the locals what coffee should taste like. Is there any other Canadian franchise that spans this country like Tim Horton’s? It may be our only national food, which reminds me those same guys also ate every day at McDonalds, the only brand name restaurant available there. My fix was maple syrup, from Quebec, which somehow found it’s way into the grocery store there.

Submitted by Alan on


My thought on Tims and Canadian National identity is that it still is at best #2 behind Canadian Tire.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I agree with Alan: Canadian Tire is still more of a National Institution than Tim Hortons, esp. as Tims is only now starting to gain a foothold in the west. One thing they have in common: they are both acceptable capitalist pleasures. While going to McDonald’s still seems like some guilty evil pleasure (something I brought with me from childhood), going to Tims feels more like a part of everyday life. Same thing with Canadian Tire: it’s like a refueling station for life’s everyday needs. In my heart, I’m anti-federal and anti-capitalist; somehow both Tims and Canadian Tire make it through the filter. It doesn’t make any sense.

Submitted by Alan on


How does it come about that an Ontarian who moves to PEI is anti-federal? I would think the first mistakes itself for the federal while the second is the most federal of the provinces. Not being rhetorical here - what are the elements of your anti-federalism?

Submitted by Wayne on


Tim Horton’s AND Macdonalds do more good for kids today than many parents. I see kids earning their own money,properly dressed(for the occasion) and learning to deal with, quite often, a very difficult public. Even if the food or coffee is not for you,or good for you, these places do alot of good in our neighbourhoods.

Submitted by Johnny on


I agree that McDonald’s and Tim’s may be good training grounds for teenaged employees and both companies are pretty good with charity work. However, both franchises, and the fast food industry in general, have contributed substantially to the epidemic of obesity that is turning us, and particularly youths, into a nation of slothful heart attacks waiting to happen. When McDonald’s started a pop was 8 ounces. Now the smallest size is about 20 ounces.

Submitted by Jeanne on


Does anyone know where I can find the Tims + Scotland Commerical??? I need an online source for a few FANS across the pond!… Thanks Jeanne (Jeanne@rogers.com)

Submitted by Kristyn on


Apparently, Tim Horton’s employees have to sign a contract promising not to give away the ‘coffee secret.’ I smell a conspiracy …but it’s so irresistable in its caffeinated beauty.

Also, referring to T. Ho’s role in the ‘fast food’ industry: you would not believe the frozen and fried processed junk they sell in my school cafeteria. There are absolutely no vegetarian choices, short of heavily adulterated french fries and synthetic gravy — the Tim Horton’s across the street is at least a healthier alternative for those students who value their intestinal tracts.

One certainly cannot place it at the bottom of the fast food ladder. I’d rather consume sugar than grease any day.

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