An Orgy of Roundabouts

I believe the collective noun for roundabouts is orgy.

And there certain is an orgy of roundabouts on St. Peters Road: in East Royalty from Riverside Drive to the Route 25 there are now four of them. I updated OpenStreetMap today with the latest.

The new St. Peters Road roundabouts in OpenStreetMap.


Steven Garrity's picture
Steven Garrity on August 27, 2021 - 12:43 Permalink

I would also accept a "dizzy" of roundabouts.

I think we should replace University Ave. with a string of 100% roundabouts. You can just spin around down the Ave. and fling off when you get near your destination.

Here's a diagram:

vbj's picture
vbj on August 27, 2021 - 15:22 Permalink

Yes, as those are on my way home to the cottage...or into town, I feel like I need to summon my very best video game skills to make it through. But then there is this, the "magic roundabout":