Yesterday I bought a pair of shorts for the first time in, well, forever. Which begged the question: what about socks?
I am a strict constitutionalist regarding socks, and have long-regarded the new wave of shorter socks with suspicion.
But I realized that the socks issue was standing in the way of the shorts issue, which was standing in the way of the “being cooler in 30°C temperatures” issue. It has never occurred to me until yesterday, standing in Marks Work Wearhouse, that I could break the logjam by simply expanding my socks acceptance.
So that’s what I did.

There one more step you can
There one more step you can take on the sock show socks. Even better suited in high temps!
No show socks are a gateway
No show socks are a gateway drug for sandals.
Au contraire!
Au contraire!
That comment made me laff!!
That comment made me laff!!
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