Automatic Elmine Book Delivery

My friend Elmine blogs about her book purchases.

I’ve found that if Elmine is interested in a book, I’m also interested in it.

To the point where I’m thinking I should simply ask Dan at The Bookmark to subscribe to Elmine’s blog and order me a copy of anything she purchases.


Olivia Duncanina Lowell Rukavina's picture
Olivia Duncanin... on July 27, 2021 - 20:34 Permalink

also she got my time travel niche which I got during my pre-teen years which was the same time as my architecture niche when I was Oliver.

elmine's picture
elmine on July 30, 2021 - 16:09 Permalink

You’re welcome 😉 (and I’ll make a separate category one could follow via feed readers)