Circumnavigators Club

In February I reported the sad news that my friend Harold Stephens had died.

After Steve died, I made the acquaintance of Albert Podell, co-author of the book Who Needs A Road? that originally led me to Steve’s door.

A few weeks Al extended an invitation to attend a presentation he was scheduled to give to a meeting of Circumnavigators Club.

And so I found myself last night in the fascinating company of a group of people united by the fact that they’d all circumnavigated the globe. Al provided a cook’s tour of his 50+ years of travel, illustrated with selections from the thousands of photos he’s taken along the way. Good stories were told.

My desire for travel, which I thought I’d effectively sublimated, emerged.

Albert Podell's presentation to Circumnavigators Club.


Ton Zijlstra's picture
Ton Zijlstra on May 1, 2021 - 03:30 Permalink

Pretty awesome how the ripples of the network connections that led to your earlier story about Steve continue to spread outwards, now have reached the circumnavigators club. In a sense your connections,stories, and friendships do much the same. You should have your own Circumnavigators Club ;)