Peter Rukavina

Sometimes you get hit out of the blue with an idea, an idea that cries out for immediate action. That’s what happened with MMXX!, which, over the last 90 minutes, I’ve imagined, set, printed and offered for sale in the shop.

It all started with this video about railway track laying from Geoff Marshall, the closing frame of which is this:

The closing frame of Geoff Marshall's video, with the year 2020 as MMXX.

Although we’re almost 11 months through 2020, this was the first time I’d realized that in Roman numerals it’s MMXX, and that seemed to have some typographic potential for adventure.

Next year will be MMXXI. Or, I thought, MMXX!. Read the entire story in the shop. Here’s the result:

Freshly printed card with MMXX in black and exclamation mark in red.

Nineteen copies standing by for your 2021-anticipating, Black Friday shopping-from-home pleasure.


Submitted by Paul Capewell on


"It all started with this video about railway track laying from Geoff Marshall..." - hah, I also watched that video last night. What a great thing it led you to. Lovely bit of happenstance.

Submitted by Oliver (FS) on


I had a similar sort of epiphany yesterday about the word “socialism”—that I could have been responding to conservatives who call the most centrist proposals “socialist” that they were ”antisocialists” (opposed to cooperation and/or socializing). For a moment I wished the American election hadn’t happened yet.

Submitted by Oliver (FS) on


When you’re adding exclamation points, it’s like sleight of hand. I couldn’t see how it was happening at first. Once I did, you seemed very deft about it

Submitted by Oliver (FS) on


Google’s calculator function returns 2020! as “undefined”, not surprisingly. Small consolation, but it was able to compute
20! x 20! = 5.9190122e+36

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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