But the levee was dry…

I maintain a small mailing list of those responsible for organizing New Year’s Levees each year, and around about this time I generally get in touch with them to start gathering information for the new year. Today, though, I sent out this notice:

With the announcement this morning from Hon. Antoinette Perry that there will be no New Year’s Levee held at Government House on January 1, 2021, I wanted to let you all know that I will not be maintaining a list of levees for New Year’s Day 2021, as I expect most if not all will be cancelled in the same fashion.

Best wishes for 2021 regardless, and I hope to see you all back on the levee circuit in 2021.

As much as I will miss the annual tradition, levees seem tailor-made for COVID-spreading, and the Lieutenant Governor deserves our thanks for leading the way this year.


Oliver Rukavina's picture
Oliver Rukavina on November 10, 2020 - 09:31 Permalink

You and The Lieutenant Governor Forgot about having a virtual levee.