In Praise of Jim Lea

Jim Lea is President & Chief Executive Officer of Maritime Electric, the electrical utility providing power to all of Prince Edward Island but Summerside.

Last night I emailed him a question about why Maritime Electric buys their power from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. I was just a curious consumer.

This morning there was a response from Jim waiting in my email box. It was thorough and well-worded, and answered my question exactly.

This is amazing customer service. Thank-you.


JM's picture
JM on March 25, 2003 - 23:18 Permalink

Can we see the question and the response from Mr. Lea?

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on March 26, 2003 - 04:02 Permalink

As I didn’t ask for permission to publish the reply, I’m not comfortable posting. I will ask for permission.