The Old Switcheroo

Peter Rukavina

Bill Graham
“Bill Graham”
James Cromwell
James Cromwell
Ed Broadbent
Ed Broadbent
John MacCallum
“John MacCallum”
With the world’s attention diverted to the situation in Iraq, I fear a much more serious situation has developed in our nation’s capital: a political switcheroo of untold proportions.

Careful photographic analysis has revealed that the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs we are told is “Bill Graham” is, in fact, noted actor James Cromwell, star of Hollywood movies like Babe: Pig in the City and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.

And that’s not all.

Rather than going to the trouble of finding a brand new cabinet minister, the Liberal party somehow convinced former New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent to go undercover in the roll of “John MacCallum,” the putative Minister of Defense.

The rationale for this subterfuge is unknown, and the jig has been almost universally ignored by the media.


Submitted by Rob Paterson on


Someone told me in Texas about 30 years ago that I looked like Robert Redford! Peter what do you think? He has aged too you know

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