
Peter Rukavina

After seeming weeks of ceaseless rain, we woke up to sunshine this morning.

And the trees reacted by bursting out buds.

I don’t believe the winter-spring transition has ever been as clear cut as this: yesterday the sky was dark and the trees were midwintery; this morning there is life everywhere you look.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Interesting to note that the buds on the trees have burst out on the home side of Prince Street, but not yet on the office side of Prince Street.

Submitted by Oliver B on


The transition couldn't have been more abrupt and absolute here in Portland...except that over a week ago it resumed being cold and rainy and hasn't stopped

Submitted by Oliver B on


The transition couldn't have been more abrupt and absolute here in Portland...except that over a week ago it resumed being cold and rainy and hasn't stopped

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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