"Take the number of years you’ve been in the group..."

Peter Rukavina

From Olle, a tip about making events that include everyone, especially newcomers:

There were at least two new faces at the meetup, and I had been given a hint by Morgan about the article Breaking Cliques at Events. In it, a method for reminding people that the longer they’ve been in a group, the more responsibility they have to welcome newcomers to it: “Take the number of years you’ve been in the group. That number is how many new people you say hello to at a meetup.”

Most groups I’ve been a member of give little thought to this, adopting a “it was hard for me to become a part of the group, so don’t expect a free pass, newbie” attitude. That’s not a good way to run a railroad.


Submitted by Clark on


Most of the MeetUps I have been to of late suffer from this problem as well. The most successful groups I have joined spend significant effort incorporating newcomers with methods similar to what Eric Holscher's suggests.

Submitted by Ton Zijlstra on


In community stewarding having pathways both for increasing and decreasing my level of engagement fluidly are important. This is a nice example.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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