Paper-Oh Cahier Circulo

Peter Rukavina

The Bookmark ordered some Paper-Oh A5 Cahier Circulo notebooks for me; they’re a lovely design and, like all Paper-Oh products, are solidly constructed.

They ordered more than I need for personal consumption, so if you’re in the market, grab them while you can.

The Bookmark, by the way, is killing it in the notebook department: be sure to check out the display near the back cash that showcases some new lines.


Submitted by Timothy on


I see one of the brands Bookmark carries is Leuchtturm. I recently switched from Moleskin to Leuchtturm as my everyday notebook. It comes to every meeting and houses my daily to-do list. I find the paper weight and quality to be much nicer than the Moleskin brand. It draws the ink from my Faber-Castell better too.

Submitted by Brett Tabor on


I'm continually impressed by the quality of the product lineup at the Bookmark.... almost on par with my favorite stationary store in Montreal.... Note Bene on Park Ave.

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