While I sat sketching Province House last night I became aware that a drone was flying close overhead.
Given that Province House is within the 5.5 km radius around Charlottetown Airport where Transport Canada prohibits recreational drones, and given that it was flying over me, this seemed like something that needed reporting.
I don’t like to be a narc, but I also don’t want drones dropping on my head (to say nothing of drones interfering with airplanes), so I went looking for a way to report this.
Turns out that Transport Canada has a handy Report a Drone Incident form online: you give as many details about date and time, location, and the nature of the drone, and send it off.
As the operator of last night’s drone wasn’t obvious, it’s unlikely that anything other than a data point will come from this. But if nothing else that data point will help to identify problematic patterns.
Man, you really need to find
Man, you really need to find other things to occupy your time than causing a stink over something as simple as this.
That’s one way of looking at
That’s one way of looking at it.
It's interesting that all of
It's interesting that all of downtown is juuuuust covered by the 5.5km radius if the centre of the circle is at the southernmost point of the YYG property. It's almost as if they used Charlottetown as a model for the regulations.
I noticed my home is just outside that radius, though... in case I ever want to invest in a drone.
5k raduis...
More on the latest
More on the latest regulations for drones.
Severely restricts pretty much ANY private drone usage now.
Details of proposed changes from Transport Canada:
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