The Clip Show

Peter Rukavina

When I last wrote, earlier today, I was between a television appearance and a radio appearance, parts of my visit to Halifax to talk about the 2017 Old Farmer’s Almanac.

The day has continued to be Almanac-filled: after those interviews, I spoke to a reporter at Cochrane Now on the phone about the upcoming Alberta winter, and then, just now, did a live hit on Regina’s  CJME News MainStreet program about Saskatchewan’s.

Here are the results of my day’s work.

Global News Halifax

I started the day on television; you can read more about it here. This is the resulting piece from the Global website:

News 95.7 – The Rick Howe Show

After starting the day on television, I had some time to cool my jets in the Halifax Central Library before heading across town to News 95.7 to appear on The Rick Howe Show.

Rick was great: curious, professional, funny; the kind of radio interviewer that every guest hopes for.

Here’s the audio of our chat from the station’s website:.

CJME MainStreet

This was a last-minute addition to my schedule, a late-afternoon phone call into this Regina afternoon talk show hosted by Jill Slater and Dave Arnold. Ironically, the segment opens with discussion of the Island-wide school evacuation back home that affected [[Oliver]] and his peers; but I was in Halifax, and there was winter weather to talk about, so it didn’t come up. I appreciated Dave and Jill’s enthusiasm for the Almanac, and for talking weather.

Here’s the station’s podcast of the segment:

It’s fun to talk about The Old Farmer’s Almanac, and I’m proud to be a small part of this years effort to announce the new edition to the world.

The fun continues tomorrow morning when I’ll appear on CTV Morning Live Atlantic after 7:00 a.m. Then it’s home to the Island to enjoy the weather itself after two days of talking about its predicting.


The Cochrane Now interview was for print, not broadcast.

The CTV Morning Live interview just happened an hour ago; I’ll post here here when they post it.

You are a good fact checker, son.

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About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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