With a Stan Rogers musical in rehearsal next to the Reinventorium, my days are filled with novel interpretations of Rogers’ canon. It’s equal parts enervating and thrilling; regardless, I find myself whistling 45 Years on the way home most days.
In this light, Barrett’s Privateers Explored is an excellent read:
Stan Rogers basically made up an imaginary privateer to carry a 60s anti-war theme in a traditional folk setting. Having said all that, many of the details, ranging from the type of cannons mentioned to the letter of marque reference, are very authentic. Stan Rogers did a fair bit of reading about privateering and appears to have been influenced by the historian Archibald MacMechan, who wrote several books on Canadian privateers, as well as a privateering song of his own.
It’s a line by line breakdown of the song. The song that by summer’s end will be burned into my ears.
"Influenced in style by
"Influenced in style by Friends of Fiddler's Green" is a marvelously understated description of the circumstances surrounding the creation of Barrett's Privateers. Further details can be found at http://adamoliverbrown.com/2010/07/the-friends-of-fiddlers-green-vs-stan-rogers/
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