Tonight we're learning about maps...

Peter Rukavina

We’ve been Mountain Equipment Coop members for years and years; we’re by no means in the target demographic of rock climbing kayakers, but I’m a big believer in cooperatives, and on the occasion that a new winter hat or bicycle lamp is needed and we’re in Halifax, it’s nice to be able to shop there.

Tonight we raised the bar and participated in a “Backcountry 101” workshop at the store, a basic introduction to topographic maps and their use in nearby places like Kejimkujik. We were a small determined group of 5, led by an intrepid MEC staffer who schooled us in the ways of scale, datum, contour lines and orienteering. It was a quick 60 minute introduction, but we emerged smarter, and bought our own map of Kejimkujik on the way out so as to be able to exercise our new skills.


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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