Terry MacIsaac: One of Canada’s Outstanding Principals

Terry MacIsaac has been the Principal at Prince Street Elementary School for Oliver’s entire 6 year stint there, and over that period I’ve come to know him as a smart, engaged, caring educator. Not only has he served us well personally with Oliver, but he’s served the school community well by being open to new ideas, welcoming of newcomers, and passionate about literacy, numeracy and the arts.

Which is why I was so happy to find out today that Terry has been named one of Canada’s Outstanding Principals.

I know that Terry will use this opportunity to shine light on the excellent work being done by the teachers and staff on his team, and as parents we’ll do our best to accentuate this next week during national Teacher-Staff Appreciation Week.


Lisa's picture
Lisa on February 11, 2013 - 00:12 Permalink

I hear there’s a storm where you are. I hope you’re weathering it well and have lots of batteries and a stash of stuff in case of power outages.