Draw Something

Thanks to my sister-in-law Jodi, I spent a good deal of yesterday afternoon and evening addicted to Draw Something. Not only did I help Oliver go toe-to-toe with Jodi, and with my mother, but I also had a dozen games going with anonymous strangers from the ether. My stunning tour de force, alas unsuccessful at causing my game partner to guess WINSLET, was this:

Draw Something: WINSLET

How you cannot guess WINSLET for that, I do not know.


Oliver rukavina's picture
Oliver rukavina on April 15, 2012 - 15:12 Permalink

Kate’s last name

Alexander's picture
Alexander on April 16, 2012 - 00:02 Permalink

It looks like she’s being pushed overboard.

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on April 16, 2012 - 00:10 Permalink

Exactly, just like in the movie.