The Grand Homburg at Night

The Grand Homburg may be an ugly colossus, but its multi-coloured facade can have its moments; here are four shots over four minutes last night, with the Moon high in the sky above.

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Dave's picture
Dave on January 31, 2012 - 15:16 Permalink

Note how the low relief lighting highlights the dents in the siding. (not visible in these lovely photos)

Vivian's picture
Vivian on February 1, 2012 - 14:04 Permalink

May have promoted this idea without realizing. Happened to mention to a manager about hotel in Toronto that featured spotlighting…makes finding hotel easier late at night, although likely less of an issue here.

Ritchie Simpson's picture
Ritchie Simpson on February 1, 2012 - 14:40 Permalink

I beg to differ, the Dominion Building is an “ugly colossus”; in fact it may even be qualified as an ugly, stalinist colossus. On the other hand the Holman Grand is vast improvement over what was there before.
Life is incremental.

Rob Lantz's picture
Rob Lantz on February 1, 2012 - 16:50 Permalink

Ritchie, I disagree on the Dominion Building. And “improvement over what was there before” is a depressingly low threshold for your approval.

Robert's picture
Robert on February 3, 2012 - 22:20 Permalink

It looks nicer than the Confederation Bunker.