Canada Post Biggest and Smallest Postcard and Letter Sizes

Peter Rukavina

If you’re anything like me, forever mailing odd-sized things around the world, you’ve probably had cause to wonder “what’s the limit on how big or small I can mail things?” So, to help you and to help me, I took Canada Post’s information on this and made printable size-guides, one for mailing in Canada and the other for mailing to the USA or elsewhere. They look like this:


Submitted by Ben Wedge on


I find it curious that this isn’t posted on the website! It exists as an internal document. I guess it stems from old-school corporate culture.

Submitted by Audrey on


Dear, While I don’t know who you are off hand (and neither does my auto correct), I thank you for this info. I couldn’t find it on the Canada Post website very easily either. Perhaps you made a phone call to your local post office, something we in this digital age don’t think to do first as we now instinctively know takes so very long because we have to wait through a barrage of pre-recorded messages to get any information at all, much less actually talk to a real human being. Again, thanks!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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