I have mused in frustration several times over recent years, usually around this time of year, about my eyeglasses fogging up when I come in from the cold. This is usually met by either stony silence or suggestions that I walk into buildings backwards, which I’ve always taken as a practical joke (and which, in my experience, doesn’t work).
That is, until last week when the helpful Sara Roach Lewis replied to my frustration-tweet with:
@ruk you can get glasses cleaner that has an anti-fog ingredient. Works like a charm. Can get it at island optical.
And so, despite being a loyal Boyles Optical customer, I dropped in at Island Optical on my way to the office this morning.
“Word is that you folks sell some sort of magic defogulant eyeglass cleaner here,” I exclaimed (apparently I talk like Garrison Keillor when dealing with local merchants). The friendly clerk climbed down from her ladder, reached behind the counter, and handed me this:
“I’ll take it!”, I said. “How much?”
“It’s free!”, she replied.
I’m applying it to my eyeglasses now and I’ll report back — it’s a good day for this, cold and damp and blustery as it is — and let you know whether it is, indeed, a magic defogulant.
I’ve also heard that rubbing
I’ve also heard that rubbing shaving cream on mirrors & glasses prevents fogging for a while - be sure to wipe it off of course…
Well, unfortunately, the
Well, unfortunately, the Island Optical defogulant did nothing at all to prevent eyeglass fogging:
<img alt=”gravity-scaled-1” height=”375” src=”http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6114/6301668033_0962da2a77.jpg” width=”500”/>
Peter…Have you continued to
Peter…Have you continued to use the lense cleaner/magic defogulant? It takes a bit of time for the magic to seep into your glasses. Perhaps it has to develop a coating? I have no idea. The stuff I use is different than that, but hopefully the magical properties are the same.
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