Reversible Rainnie?

Peter Rukavina

Is it just me, or is the Matthew Rainnie in this small promotional graphic from the front page of the CBC Prince Edward Island website:

just a cropped and mirror-imaged version of Matthew from this larger graphic from the Island Morning page:

I’ve got enough of a prosopagnosia issue without all this Photoshopping mirror-imaging voodoo.

The real question: which image reflect the real Matthew Rainnie’s spacial orientation?


Submitted by Todd on


I’m not sure which is the real Matt(e?) but the picture of him with Mitch makes one of them look like a close talker. Not much personal space there, fellas!

Re: prosopagnosia, WNYC’s RadioLab did a very interesting piece on this condition this past summer. Something tells me you’re already a Radiolab listener, but just in case….…


Submitted by Stephen on


I’ll guess the top one is real. The photo with Mitch has a better reason to flip a photo. Matt is also red and Mitch is more yellow making another safe bet they were not shot together.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Good points, Stephen. There’s also the fact that in the with-Mitch-photo makes Matthew looking strangely demonic and Backstreet Boy-like.

Submitted by Neal on


My vote is that the bottom one is real. The shadow on his collar suggests that buttons on his shirt would be on the proper side.

Perhaps the more important question is: “Is Matt Rainnie wearing a woman’s shirt?”

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