L.M. Montgomery Land Trust Annual General Meeting

Peter Rukavina
L.M. Montgomery Land Trust Annual General Meeting


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Of course it’s impossible for type to appear as it does in the photo without digital manipulation (in left-to-right reading languages type is always set right to left, and the letters themselves are right-left mirrored so that everything prints left-to-right). I took a photo of the chase with the type set for printing, and used GraphicConverter on my Mac to “mirror” the image so that it reads properly.

Submitted by oliver on


Et tu, Ruk? It never occurred to me to suspect you had retouched the photo, digitally or otherwise. Well, it’s not as if uninked type is black and white. I think I’ve seen reversals used in movies too.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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