For anyone who’s doubted my pronouncements about the sky-scraping nature of the building that’s quickly being assembled next door, witness the following photo that clearly demonstrates that it is now as high as the Sun itself!

For anyone who’s doubted my pronouncements about the sky-scraping nature of the building that’s quickly being assembled next door, witness the following photo that clearly demonstrates that it is now as high as the Sun itself!
And there’s still a couple
And there’s still a couple more floors to go!
You will notice there is no
You will notice there is no basement, and not much of a foundation. Just another cheap “built from a kit” piece of junk, that the designer found plans for on the internet. Where have all the REAL designers gone?
Is this type of rapid
Is this type of rapid construction what they would call a tilt-up? It certainly is different than what was used for the Jean Canfield Building or the Atlantic Technology Centre.
Islanders always seem
Islanders always seem impressed when you blot out the sun.
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