It’s very cold here this morning — current temperature is -22°C with a wind chill of -32°C:

It’s days like this that you can start to wonder why we choose to live in such an inhospitable place; if this was an episode of Star Trek, we’d be marvelling at the strange alien tribe of cold-dwellers and wondering what insanity led them to abandon their balmy cradle of humanity and head north.
Of course, the wind chill
Of course, the wind chill number is what it “feels like” only if you’re outdoors naked and haven’t been drinking, so it may be useful for wilderness rescue paramedics, but all I care about is the real temp and the wind speed.
Nothing wrong with having 4
Nothing wrong with having 4 seasons. The best one IMHO is from November to April. After that, this island gets bad sledding weather and dumb tourists.
I biked to the store for milk
I biked to the store for milk last night here in Madison. It was about -20C, and I thought it might be a crazy idea, but actually it was pleasant. No problem finding space for bike parking either.
I am already looking for job
I am already looking for job postings in Jamaica
Now the world knows why
Now the world knows why Islanders make such excellent moonshine! A few slugs of that when you come in from the cold will make your heart warm, regardless of the outside temperature!
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