You may recall my shameful commentary on the presentation regarding bottled water made to the Eastern School District back in September. Well, something must have stuck with me.
At a catered meeting yesterday at the University of PEI we were offered chilled bottles of Aquafina bottled water. I reached for one, and then realized that someone else at the meeting had just complained about how the china mugs we’d been provided with for coffee were freezing cold. Then I spotted the tiny kitchen, with a sink, about 6 steps from the meeting room.
I put back the Aquafina, took a pre-chilled mug into the kitchen, and filled it up with good old Charlottetown tap water.
Bottled water has its place
Bottled water has its place of course in dire circumstances (mainly the fact that it is a CONTAINER full of water) but I found even the tapwater in New York City was excellent when I was there a few weeks ago. I have memories of Halifax and Moncton water having a chlorinated taste but that was indeed decade(s) ago…perhaps things have changed?
Ever since the rash of boil
Ever since the rash of boil orders a few years back, the water in Charlottetown has had a mild chlorine taste. It tastes great through a filter though, or even with a few minutes in a pitcher in the fridge.
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