Marie-Jo Thério

Peter Rukavina

My car radio ended up on Radio-Canada yesterday by mistake. And the most beautiful song poured out of the speakers. A little bit of Googling revealed that the song was Café Robinson from Moncton singer Marie-Jo Thério. I am willing to guess that this is the single most beautiful thing to ever come out of Moncton.

You can hear a clip over at Archambault and learn more about Marie-Jo Thério (confusing Google translation thereof).


Submitted by C on


Woah, you could’nt be more wrong about the *single most beautiful thing to come out of Moncton*…Unfortunatly googling won’t be telling you that Moncton is a city with a very rich culture. There are soooo many awesome artists living in or from Moncton you have NO IDEA…I would recommend Mathieu D’Astous, Les Paiens ans so many others…


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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