I Voted

Peter Rukavina
Barack Obama


Submitted by Ken on


I posted my mail in ballot two days ago, my first time voting as an American. My vote counts in Wake County, North Carolina.

Submitted by Paul Lopes on


Unfortunately the fate of the US Election not only effects those who live in it but pretty much the rest of the world. That’s why I think we should all have the right to vote - perhaps those in Iceland would agree.

Submitted by Valerie on


Wish I could serve you a celebratory cup of “Obama Blend” coffee described as:

“Beans from Kenya blended with American-grown beans from Hawaii, artisan roasted especially for the community organizer in you.”

(From Indigo Coffee Roasters, Northampton, Mass.)

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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