It’s raining democracy…

With a Canadian federal election called for October 14th, and US elections on November 4th, as a dual-national my autumn will be rich with democratic expression.

The US half of me votes in Monroe County, NY, which is the county where I last resided in the US (in 1966, no less). I’m in the 28th Congressional district, the 56th Senate district, the 133rd Assembly district, the 27th Legislative district and City Council Ward S. On my ballot I’ll be voting for:

  • President
  • Federal Congressional Representative
  • State Senator
  • Member of the State Assembly
  • County Court Judge
  • Family Court Judge
  • County Clerk
  • County Legislator

Federal Senators in the US are elected to 6-year terms, and neither of the current Senators, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, are up for re-election this fall.

My Canadian half, in the Charlottetown electoral district, will only have one choice to make, for Member of Parliament.


Ann Thurlow's picture
Ann Thurlow on September 8, 2008 - 21:53 Permalink

Who is your pick for County Clerk?

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on September 8, 2008 - 22:33 Permalink

I have two choices for County Clerk: Tom Hasman (running on the Democratic and Working Families tickets) and incumbent Cheryl Dinolfo (on the Republican, Independence and Conservative tickets; she doesn’t appear to have a website).

I’m still considering my choice.

Andrew MacPherson's picture
Andrew MacPherson on September 9, 2008 - 15:21 Permalink

US Election is November 4th…

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on September 9, 2008 - 15:34 Permalink

Ack — you’re right! That will teach me to watch The West Wing so much (the Santos-Vinick election was, I believe, Nov. 6th).

Andrew MacPherson's picture
Andrew MacPherson on September 9, 2008 - 18:05 Permalink

I am having a similar summer television problem because of watching Season 1 of “24”. I keep mixing my negative feelings for the devious Sherry Palmer character with my feelings about the wonderful Michelle Obama. I think its from not watching TV news which also probably explains why I have more positive thoughts about Stephane Dion than most Canadians?