SpamAssassin + IMAP +

Peter Rukavina

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier. My email is stored on an IMAP server and I primarily used Apple’s client to access it there. I’ve got set up to store mail it identifies as “Junk” on the server, but until today I wasn’t harnessing’s junk-fighting skills to make SpamAssassin smarter.

All I needed to do to make this happen was to set up a cron job to have SpamAssassin learn that all the mail in the Junk folder was spam:

/usr/bin/sa-learn --spam /home/peter/Maildir/.Junk/cur

This simply tells the SpamAssassin “learning” application, sa-learn, to take all the mail in my Junk folder and learn that it’s spam. I run it one a day.


Submitted by til on


Great idea, thanks. Setting this up for myself right now. I haven’t run sa-learn in a long time, and recently the amount of spam became really annoying. Let’s hope that helps.

On the other hand, I do like to listen to sometimes ;)

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