SpamAssassin Statistics

Peter Rukavina

I did an upgrade of SpamAssassin here at HQ yesterday, and I installed, a Perl script that parses the SpamAssassin log file and produces summary reports.

I knew that we were receiving a lot of spam here, but I had no idea it was so great a percentage of incoming email. I feel a lot better now about the dozen or so spam that are still getting through the net; at least I didn’t have to see the 681 other ones that came my way in the last 24 hours. Here’s a breakdown, by user on our mail server (with actual addresses blurred) showing the last 24 hours worth of incoming email:

Username:                      Total:  Ham:    Spam:   % Spam:
me                             751     70      681     90.68%
user support                   193     37      156     80.83%
*******                        122     3       119     97.54%
*******                        321     3       318     99.07%
*******                        399     13      386     96.74%
*******                        104     2       102     98.08%

In the chart “Ham” means email that isn’t spam. The overall figure is 93.23% spam over the 24 hours.


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